Catholic Creek is located within Nez Perce and Latah Counties, Idaho and is a tributary to the Clearwater River (figure 1). The watershed encompasses approximately 7,800 acres.
Figure 1.

A watershed management plan was completed for this watershed in 2012. The detailed plan can be found in the resource library section.
Watershed Improvement Needs:
The following needs were identified from the 2012 Catholic Creek Watershed Management Plan:
A – Improve riparian condition – 33.5 miles riparian restoration.
B – Reduce Stream bank Erosion – 12.8 miles stream bank protection.
B – Restore Floodplain Access and Reconnect Channel – 0.5 miles.
C – Improve watershed hydrology - Install 15 acres wetland enhancements, 40 acres upland grass/forb planting, and 60 acres upland tree planting.
D – Reduce sediment delivery to streams from uplands – 2,204 acres upland treatment.
E – Remove or retrofit fish barriers – remove 7 barriers restoring 1.25 miles of access.
F – Reduce Road Associated Sediment Delivery to the Stream - 16 miles road improvements.
In This Section:
- Discover Catholic Creek
This section describes the watershed’s physical characteristics, history, and provides an introduction to the watershed. - Learn the Issues
This section describes the watershed’s issues including agriculture, fisheries, water quality, and much more… - Resource Library
Find publications, photographs, videos, maps, and data regarding the watershed. - Take Action
Read here to determine how you can help!
Discover Catholic Creek
Catholic Creek is a tributary to the Clearwater River and encompasses 7,800 acres of agricultural and rangelands.
In This Section:
- The Watershed
Become familiar with the watershed’s physical characteristics such as soils, streams, plants, animals and infrastructure. - Catholic Creek 101
Facts about the watershed. - History
Discover the area’s geological history.
Learn the Issues
The major pollutants in Catholic Creek include sediment, high stream temperatures, and low stream flows. Learn more about the issues by selecting topics below.
In This Section:
Resource Library
The Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District collects resources for public use. Resources include photos, videos, maps, publications and data sets. As these resources become available they are posted here.
In This Section:
- Photos
View photos from the watershed. - Videos
View videos about the watershed. - Maps
View maps relating to the watershed. - Publications
To view the Catholic Creek documents, please go to our Publications page. - Data
View available data collected for the Catholic Creek watershed.
Take Action
Under Construction