White Road Crossing
The purpose of this project was to improve water quality within Tom Beall Creek through the restoration of approximately 1 mile of stream. Improvement measures focused on the installation of a riparian buffer which reduces non-point source pollutants of nitrate and sediment and lowers stream temperatures by planting 3,200 linear feet of stream with trees and shrubs.
The project began in 2015 and concluded in 2018. Funding for restoration measures was provided through a grant to the Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District (NPSWCD). Grant funds in the amount of $30,500 were from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality’s (IDEQ) 319 water quality program. Matching funds in the amount of $32,068 were from a combination of sources including the NPSWCD, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and the private landowners.
Accomplishments included the installation of 2 stream crossings which provide fish passage as well as landowner access across the stream, planting of 3,200 feet of riparian buffer (5.14 acres), and restoration of 0.91 acres of wetland.
The project is located along Tom Beall Creek, a tributary to the Lapwai Creek watershed. See image below for approximate location.

Additional information about this project can be found at:
Final Project Report – 2017
Tom Beall Creek Restoration Project – Phase I