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2025 Agendas

(Board meeting dates and agenda links will be posted here when they are scheduled)

January 16, 2025 - Regular and Special Meetings

March 20, 2025 - Regular Meeting

Archived District Meeting Agendas

Meeting Schedule and Procedures

District Board meetings are generally held the third Thursday of every other month. The current year’s regular meeting dates are listed above. The meetings are open to the public and citizen attendance is encouraged. Meeting times and locations may vary. Please see Agenda links to obtain the agenda. Or contact the District to find out the location of the next meeting, and meeting time.

Board Meeting Procedures

  1. Items to be included on the agenda need to be provided to the District’s project coordinator 14 business days prior to the meeting by submitting the Public Input Request Form. The District’s regularly scheduled meetings are the third Thursday of each month, except August. The deadline for agenda items will be the 1st Thursday of the month. Items not presented within this time frame will not be included for consideration on the agenda and will be presented for consideration on the next agenda. Items can be transmitted by e-mail to NPSWCD, by fax to 208-843-2234 or by mail to NPSWCD, PO Box 131, Culdesac, Idaho 83524.
  2. Handouts and presentations will be provided to the District in electronic format 14 business days prior to the meeting. Transmit electronic documents to the NPSWCD e-mail addresss.
  3. Agenda requests are compiled by District staff and final agenda items approved by the Board Chair. Please note that not all items requested may be included on the agenda.
  4. Public comment will only be taken when identified on the agenda.
  5. Items needing board signature need to be presented to the District’s project coordinator 14 working days prior to the board meeting. Items not presented within this time frame will not be presented to the board for signature until the following board meeting.
  6. Items for payment approval need to be presented to District’s project coordinator by the second Monday of each month. Items received after the deadline will be presented at the following Board meeting.
  7. Meetings follow the Idaho Open Meeting Law Manual dated July 2009 (Idaho Code §§ 67-2340 through 67-2347). The applicable law and reference manual can be found at Idaho Open Meeting Law Manual.

Public Participation at Board Meetings

All regular and special Board meetings shall be open to the public except for executive sessions, which may be convened as allowed by law.

Citizens who wish to be placed on the Board agenda shall contact the District at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting – usually this falls on the first Thursday of the month. This procedure will allow the Board the opportunity to become informed about issues before the meeting convenes.

Any person wishing to speak before the Board must be identified on the agenda and then recognized by the Chair. Presentations will be limited to five (5) minutes unless otherwise approved. However, the Chair may extend this time if he/she thinks it is in the best interest of the Board. The Chair may limit the total time to be spent on comments from visitors, and may impose such reasonable regulations as may be necessary to maintain orderly deliberations. Any action of the Chair may be overruled by a majority vote of the Board.

To request to speak to the Board, complete the Public Input Request form or e-mail the information to the project coordinator.

The Board, from time to time, will call for public hearings on those issues which it feels require additional public input.

Persons appearing before the Board are reminded, as a point of information that members of the Board are without authority to act independently as individuals in official matters. Thus, questions may be directed to individual Board members, but answers from individual Board members reflect that individual's position and not the position of the Board unless the matter has been considered and acted on by the full Board.

It must be borne in mind that Board meetings are conducted for the purpose of carrying on the business of the District; therefore, to allow the Board sufficient opportunity to deliberate those issues needing action, the Board shall generally limit public input to those items placed on the agenda. Thereafter, as a general rule, members of the public will not be recognized by the Chair as the Board conducts its official business.

General Meeting Information

The times listed for specific agenda items, and the order of those items, are approximate and are subject to change.

The District will occasionally need to convene in Executive Session, pursuant to Idaho Code § 67-2345. Executive Session is closed to the public.


The meeting will be held in facilities that meet the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require special accommodations to attend, participate in, or understand the meeting, please contact the Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District at (208) 843-2931 so advance arrangements can be made.


Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District
27880 Chambers Road
Culdesac, ID 83524

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 131
Culdesac, ID 83524

Contact Us

Phone:  208-843-2931

Fax:  208-843-2234


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