Information on this page pertains to the Lower Canyon Tributaries planning project. This goal of this project is to characterize the geographic area identified as the Lower Canyon Tributaries, identify steelhead habitat limiting factors and identify actions to improve habitat conditions.
The project is scheduled to be completed in March 2014.
The Lower Canyon Tributary Project encompasses the area shown in the figure below.

This page is temporary and will be removed after March 2014. The page was created to help facilitate project coordination and document review by resource professionals. All information contained on this page is DRAFT and should not be downloaded or used to develop projects or decisions.
There are two documents that are in development phase at this time. These are the Lower Canyon Tributaries Inventory and Assessment and the Lower Canyon Tributaries Management Plan.
Under each report are the report sections. Draft versions can be found in these sections.
Lower Canyon Tributaries Inventory and Assessment
Lower Canyon Tributaries Management Plan