Post Fire Assistance Fact Sheet
Snake River Complex Fires
Suppression Repair
Suppression repair is the responsibility of the Incident Management Team. Suppression repair activities will begin as soon as it is safe and feasible to begin those activities. Typically, suppression repair focuses only on containment lines (such as hand lines, dozer lines) and roads used heavily during suppression activities. These repairs are intended to do the minimum extent needed to immediately correct the damage to prevent further loss or injury (per Forest Service Handbook 6509.11g, Chapter 51.24).
Typical repair activities include repairing dozer lines by pulling back any soil berms, placing slash and large woody material across the line, and seeding if necessary, with native grass seed to prevent excessive erosion and further damage to land and water resources. Suppression repair teams will also repair any damaged fences, culverts, or other infrastructure that was damaged as a direct effect of fireline construction. Roads that were used for suppression activities will be repaired only to the extent necessary to prevent further loss or injury.
Rehabilitation of Burned Areas
On Federal / State Lands
Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Teams are established by Forest Supervisors before wildfires are fully contained. The teams coordinate and work with the local counties, and other Federal, state and local agencies to strategically assess potential post-fire impacts to the watershed burned from wildland fires. Examples of BAER work may include up-sizing culverts to handle increased water flows as a result of lost vegetation from the fire, seeding and/or directionally felling trees on hillsides at risk for erosion or failure due to soil and vegetation damage from the fire, etc.
On Private Lands
Private landowners who would like resource assistance related to fire effects such as evaluating riparian, timber or grazing areas and recommendations on mitigations such as seeding, or timber/range management, erosion control, can contact the local soil and water conservation district as listed below. The soil and water conservation districts will help coordinate with the USDA programs as well.
Nez Perce County
Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District
Phone: 208‑843‑2931
Email: npswcd@co.nezperce.id.us
Lewis County
Lewis Soil Conservation District
Phone: 208‑937‑2291
If you are interested in potential federal NRCS programs, please provide;
- Your name
- phone number
- total acreage
- estimated acreage impacted
- estimated acreage in mild, moderate, or severe burn
- estimated acreage back burned
- any other information you think may be pertinent for assistance requests
Forestry and Fuels Mitigations
Landowners can contact the Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District for information relating to financial and technical assistance concerning forestry and fuels mitigation inquiries. NO funding is available at this time, however, compiling a list of interested landowners assists with requests for funding. Please call the NPSWCD office at 208-843-2931 and indicate your interest. A 24/7 answering system has been set up, if you reach this service, leave a message with the following:
Name, Phone number, Address, acreage and estimate of number of forested acres you are interested in future forest thinning projects.
Farm Service Agency Programs
The Farm Services Agency (FSA) office for Nez Perce and Lewis Counties can provide you with more information regarding the Emergency Forest Restoration Program and the Emergency Conservation Program. To be clear there is no federal emergency funding available at this time, however reported impacts will assist with the request for funding. Please call FSA office in Nez Perce County at 208‑746‑9886, ext. 2 or Lewis County at 208‑937‑2291
Drought Assistance
As drought conditions worsen throughout the state, the USDA Farm Service Agency has announced programs to assist with drought.
Additional information can be found at USDA offers Disaster Assistance to Idaho Farmers and Livestock Producers Impacted by Drought
Or call your local FSA office at 208‑746‑9886 x2
Post Fire Assistance Fact Sheet - Snake River Complex Fires - PDF Version