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Stakeholder Prioritization Meeting - April 30, 2016

Noble, Slide, Tepee Springs, Wash, Woodrat Fire

A meeting was held in Grangeville, Idaho with the land management stakeholders within the Clearwater Complex fire. The meeting was attended by representatives from Idaho County and the Idaho Soil and Water Conservation District, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The group reviewed the assessment findings and identified potential post fire restoration needs. The Idaho Soil and Water Conservation District plans to meet again to finalize the needs for this fire complex.

The county commissioners and soil and water conservation districts from Idaho counties are the lead entities for prioritizing fire restoration needs for the these fires. Contact Stefanie Hays for additional information about the meeting.

The following materials were prepared for the prioritization meeting.

Noble Fire

  1. Noble Fire Inventory Summary. This two page document provides a brief summary of the fire acres, ownership, burn severity, land cover, and summarizes assessment information available as of the meeting date.
  2. Noble Burn Severity Map. This one page map illustrates the burn severity ratings within the burn boundary and categorizes acres as unburned, low, medium and high severity.
  3. Noble Ownership Map. This one page map identifies the ownership boundaries within the fire area.
  4. Noble Landcover Map. This one page map illustrates the land cover types that were burned.
  5. Noble Prioritization Meeting Powerpoint Presentation. Powerpoint presentation prepared for prioritization meeting.
  6. Noble KMZ file folder. KMZ files can be used in Google Earth applications. Folder contains the layers used for presentation at the meeting.

Slide Fire

  1. Slide Fire Inventory Summary. This two page document provides a brief summary of the fire acres, ownership, burn severity, land cover, and summarizes assessment information available as of the meeting date.
  2. Slide Burn Severity Map. This one page map illustrates the burn severity ratings within the burn boundary and categorizes acres as unburned, low, medium and high severity.
  3. Slide Ownership Map. This one page map identifies the ownership boundaries within the fire area.
  4. Slide Landcover Map. This one page map illustrates the land cover types that were burned.
  5. Slide Post Fire Debris Flow Basin Hazard Rating map.
  6. Slide Post Fire Debris Flow Stream Segment Hazard Rating map.
  7. Slide Prioritization Meeting Powerpoint Presentation. Powerpoint presentation prepared for prioritization meeting.
  8. Slide KMZ file folder. KMZ files can be used in Google Earth applications. Folder contains the layers used for presentation at the meeting.

Tepee Springs Fire

  1. Tepee Springs Fire Inventory Summary. This two page document provides a brief summary of the fire acres, ownership, burn severity, land cover, and summarizes assessment information available as of the meeting date.
  2. Tepee Springs Burn Severity Map. This one page map illustrates the burn severity ratings within the burn boundary and categorizes acres as unburned, low, medium and high severity.
  3. Tepee Springs Ownership Map. This one page map identifies the ownership boundaries within the fire area.
  4. Tepee Springs Landcover Map. This one page map illustrates the land cover types that were burned.
  5. Tepee Springs Stream Segment Debris Flow Hazard Map. The one page map identifies the stream segments identified as having a moderate debris flow hazard.
  6. Tepee Springs Basin Debris Flow Hazard Map. The one page map identifies the basins identified as having a moderate debris flow hazard.
  7. Tepee Springs Water Systems At Risk Map. This one page map identifies the water systems identified as at risk from future runoff and debris flow events.
  8. Tepee Springs Reforestation Needs. Identifies reforestation needs on private forestlands.
  9. Tepee Springs Prioritization Meeting Powerpoint Presentation. Powerpoint presentation prepared for prioritization meeting.
  10. Tepee Springs KMZ file folder. KMZ files can be used in Google Earth applications. Folder contains the layers used for presentation at the meeting.

Wash Fire

  1. Wash Fire Inventory Summary. This two page document provides a brief summary of the fire acres, ownership, burn severity, land cover, and summarizes assessment information available as of the meeting date.
  2. Wash Burn Severity Map. This one page map illustrates the burn severity ratings within the burn boundary and categorizes acres as unburned, low, medium and high severity.
  3. Wash Ownership Map. This one page map identifies the ownership boundaries within the fire area.
  4. Wash Landcover Map. This one page map illustrates the land cover types that were burned.
  5. Wash Stream Segment Debris Flow Hazard Map. The one page map identifies the stream segments identified as having a moderate debris flow hazard.
  6. Wash Basin Debris Flow Hazard Map. The one page map identifies the basins identified as having a moderate debris flow hazard.
  7. Wash Erosion Risk Map. This one page map identifies the high and moderate erosion areas identified by the US Forest Service GeoWepp analysis. Map focuses on private land areas with moderate to high erosion rates. Erosion acres and tons are provided.
  8. Wash Water Systems At Risk Map. This one page map identifies the water systems identified as at risk from future runoff and debris flow events.
  9. Wash Prioritization Meeting Powerpoint Presentation. Powerpoint presentation prepared for prioritization meeting.
  10. Wash KMZ file folder. KMZ files can be used in Google Earth applications. Folder contains the layers used for presentation at the meeting.

Woodrat Fire

  1. Woodrat Fire Inventory Summary. This two page document provides a brief summary of the fire acres, ownership, burn severity, land cover, and summarizes assessment information available as of the meeting date.
  2. Woodrat Burn Severity Map. This one page map illustrates the burn severity ratings within the burn boundary and categorizes acres as unburned, low, medium and high severity.
  3. Woodrat Ownership Map. This one page map identifies the ownership boundaries within the fire area.
  4. Woodrat Landcover Map. This one page map illustrates the land cover types that were burned.
  5. Woodrat Stream Segment Debris Flow Hazard Map. The one page map identifies the stream segments identified as having a moderate debris flow hazard. Data is summarized for the private land stream segments.
  6. Woodrat Erosion Risk Map. This one page map identifies the high and moderate erosion areas identified by the US Forest Service GeoWepp analysis. Map focuses on private land areas with moderate to high erosion rates. Erosion acres and tons are provided.
  7. Woodrat Culverts at Risk Map. This one page map identifies the culverts identified as at risk for damage from future runoff and debris flow events following the fire.
  8. Private Land Reforestation Needs Map. This one page map identifies forestlands within private ownership that are a potential for reforestation. Data is provided by species.
  9. Woodrat Water Systems At Risk Map. This one page map identifies the water systems identified as at risk from future runoff and debris flow events.
  10. Woodrat Wildlife Habitat At Risk Map. This one page map identifies the wildlife habitat at risk post-fire. Data focuses on private land portions of fire area.
  11. Woodrat Prioritization Meeting Powerpoint Presentation. Powerpoint presentation prepared for prioritization meeting.
  12. Woodrat KMZ file folder. KMZ files can be used in Google Earth applications. Folder contains the layers used for presentation at the meeting.


Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District
27880 Chambers Road
Culdesac, ID 83524

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 131
Culdesac, ID 83524

Contact Us

Phone:  208-843-2931

Fax:  208-843-2234


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